Saturday, October 3, 2009

How to Make Money at Home

I keep getting questions about things like: Janet, how do you make money at home if no one even knows who you are? My intention with this has never really been to become a popular blogger. If that were my intention, I would have done it already. Instead, my intention has been to make money at home by making a living online. That, I have accomplished.

How, you ask?

Stop Aiming for the Stars

And stop copying the "stars" while you're at it! Not everyone who makes money online can or would even want to say "I make money online by telling people how I make money online." Does that tagline sound familiar? LOL

Did you get that? Let me say it again. Aside from my online money making guide I don't make money online by telling others how I make money online. Sorry John Chow, but it's true. The secret is out..... To make money at home, you don't need to be in the make money online niche.

For those of us "commoners" that's great news! I am nowhere as sophisticated in my methods as Court, Costa, Justin, Frank, or any of those guys in Grizzly's inner circle. They could blow me away with their SEO and IM talents and they probably already are... I just don't know it!

The point here is, you can be someone like me with little experience and still make a living online. Yes, I obviously learned enough to write a make money at home e-book out of it, but the methods I teach in the e-book are very basic indeed. They're basic, but they work! My e-book is for beginners, so if you are advanced in your MMO methods, know exactly what Grizzly is talking about on his blog, or simply think I'm an idiot (LOL) please don't buy it.

If you want something bad enough, you can achieve it - in this case it's making money at home. It may not be fancy or the best, but it's still achieving your goals nonetheless. Don't let anyone intimidate you and don't be intimidated by the greatness of Court, Grizzly, and others. Yes for example, Court and the Keyword Academy are fabulous, but you can be fabulous in your own way too. March to the beat of your own make money at home drum and you will see your successes soar to the sky! C'est la vie!

So back to how I make money online...

I have created hundreds of small niche blogs that cater to untapped niches with little competition. I don't aim for the stars by targeting highly competitive niches like "make money online" or "weight loss"... I aim low and I'm never disappointed. I use the research methods outlined in my e-book. I sometimes make blogs about topics I barely knew existed before doing research. Some of them are so easy to rank on page 1 for that it's ridiculous! Some of the Adsense clicks for them are ridiculously awesome too...

So why am I writing about how to make money at home on this blog if that's not how I roll? Well, I hope someday to rank for the keyword make money at home and I need the content to do it. Also, maybe my blog posts will actually help someone.

Does anyone want to give me a backlink with anchor text "make money at home" ? LOL!!! I'm joking.... well, maybe not... You know, if you want to....


1 comment:

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