Monday, October 12, 2009

Make Money Anywhere

Yes, I started with another boring, yet necessary title: “Make Money Anywhere”. As always, I have my reasons, so I apologize for the mundane-ness of the title. To rank for highly searched for keywords like make money at home we need to first rank for the easier ones like make money anywhere. Reality is boring.

This post will be about starting small. As internet marketers, we always have the “big picture” in our minds and tend to aim high and doom ourselves to failure. In order to make money anywhere, it doesn’t take a genius marketer or clever SEO magician. All you need is to lay down a few basic rules for yourself and follow them. It’s not all about black hat SEO or even about content as some argue. It’s about you. Stop blaming your lack of action on this all being “too complicated” and wake up! Remember, reality is boring.

It’s as simple as what I am about to explain to you. I don’t understand why so many people try to make this so hard. They keep saying things like “If only I could make a full-time online income like you do, Janet”… Yeah, if only. Or they might say “Only Grizzly can make $12,000 a month with Adsense; I could never do it.”

And you know what? Most of you are absolutely 100% correct. Most of you will keep wishing and, in the process, prevent yourselves from doing. Now… I don’t say this for the reasons you might think. I’m not saying that Grizzly or I have better SEO skills or some super power to make money anywhere that you don’t have – not at all (well, Grizzly might - LOL! I can only speak for myself here…). Most of you are correct for two reasons: 1.) Deep down, you truly don’t believe you can do what we do. If you don’t believe it, how on earth could you ever actually do it? Actions stem from thoughts and thoughts stem from you. 2.) Most of you are doing it wrong and making this whole thing more complicated and more difficult than it really is.

To make money from anywhere you need two fundamental tools:

1.) Consistency – You must work a little everyday on your blogs and on link building. Most people give up or slack off after a few short weeks. Don’t be one of those people.
2.) A Plan – Write down or make a list of the steps you must take to accomplish the task of dominating your keywords. Having a plan helps with your consistency.

So how do we formulate a plan? Keep the blog building process fresh in our mind at all times. If you don’t how what I’m talking about, go read Grizzly’s blog (if you have the time) or get a copy of my make money anywhere e-book if you need the short-cut way. Follow the steps and don’t forget them. Keyword research à Niche Blog Creation à Monetization à Backlink Building. Reality is boring, but it works!

How do we stay consistent? Work on one niche at a time at first. You can’t rank for all the niches in the world, so don’t put that kind of pressure on yourself. Work with only a couple main keywords that pass your keyword research test (that test is explained in the e-book). Work a little each day. When you dominate the SERPs for those first keywords, move on to others. Eventually move on to a new niche. Spend less time reading and analyzing and spend more time building links. Develop a system and work on it everyday like clockwork. This is consistency and this is how to make money anywhere. When will that “boring reality” stop???

To be able to make money anywhere is no accident indeed. It is part hard work and part consistency. It’s not any harder than that, so let’s get it out of our heads that making money online is some impossible feat only accomplished by experienced internet moguls. Anyone can make money anywhere, so stop putting the concept on some pedestal that we can’t touch. It is obtainable and we can obtain it.

Still making money from Brazil,

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