Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Make Money at Home in a Recession

The idea to make money at home appeals to an increasing amount of people lately. The reality for most people right now is if they haven't already lost their job then they are at risk of losing it. Many of the people closest to me are living in fear everyday because they are 1 or 2 paychecks away from becoming homeless. If they lose their job, they will definitely foreclose on their home. I have several friends and family members who are going through this currently and maybe you can relate. I am bringing this up as a blog post, not because I want to spread more doom and gloom, but because I want to reinforce why I am so passionate about making money at home.

I saw this crap coming since about 2 years ago; I saw the economy crumbling. Thus, I make money at home. All while I was building my auto-pilot, self-sustaining, make money at home niche blogs and putting my entire savings of US dollars into silver (that's a whole other blog and I won't go into detail here!!!), my friends and family were labeling me an idealistic, stupid, and paranoid 24 year old who had no direction. If I had a quarter for every time someone told me to "get a job", I'd have a lot more silver than I have right now! And I know for sure that I would be a bitter, unhappy soul stuck in a cubicle all day if I took their advice. Good thing I make money at home...

Nowadays, their tune is changing. The past few days I've been briefing some desperate family members via Skype (I'm still in Brazil) about how to make money online doing what I do. It's very difficult to condense everything I do into a one hour session to where people with no SEO or IM experience can understand. I emailed them a copy of my online money making guide ebook and told them to ask me if they have any questions. I want to help them make money at home and I'm willing to look past the way they treated me before.

As I type this, my friend Cynthia is standing next to me asking why I'm too nice to people, but you know..... it's family and I feel it's my duty to help them when I have the means. Cynthia and I have been building intertwining make money at home niche blogs for over a year now and she recently quit her job in Sao Paulo to do it full-time.

Don't worry, I'm getting to the point of this post now, in case you were wondering. I had to rant a bit first because I need the content for my make money at home keyword! LOL OK here is the point: I truly believe that making money online is no longer a "luxury" or something that eccentric people do, but rather a survival method, freedom factor, and new way to connect with one's family and friends. Making money at home is the way of the future for many people. It's my future and my present. It's not "who" I am, but then again... nothing I do to make money could ever describe "who" I am. This make money at home way of life I have is a tool that gives me the means to discover who I am.... at least that's what it does for me. What does the idea of making money at home do for you?

It allows me to experience the small, frequent joys in life that sitting in a cubicle could never allow me to do. The other day, when I first arrived in Rio de Janeiro - I think it was the day after I arrived that everyone found out Rio will be hosting the 2016 Olympic Games. The joy and pride that I saw on peoples' faces that day is something I will never forget. It was like the whole city was celebrating! It was a happy, energetic place to be that day. It's really nice to see smiles on peoples' faces when everyone's face seems to be frowning right now. These are the real life experiences that I long for when I travel and making money online with my make money at home methods allow me to experience this.

In this bad economy, I wish I could find something to celebrate in my country, but I suppose I will have to wait for that. If you lost your job, why not try to make money at home instead?


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