In my efforts to promote my
online money making guide e-book, I have received a lot of praise as well as some criticism. Apparently in the beginning, I was contacting the wrong people – people who have no intentions of admitting that they are even online to make money (we all know that’s bull sh!$, but anyway….)
In my quest to spread the word about “
how to make money online” one of the attackers gave me an idea for a post. In the name of “trying to help” she threw some nasty words at me, but in a twisted and egotistical sort of way…. she actually did help. I won’t mention her name because I’m a nice person and I don’t want her or her blog (it’s a very popular social blog, I might add) to look bad.
I initially sent her an email with a brief description of my
make money online e-book and I attached a copy of it in pdf format for her to review. Here is the initial e-mail I sent her:
I really enjoy reading your blog as I am a digital nomad who recently made
the switch to making 100% of my income online. You do a great job, so
thanks for all your hard work!
The reason I'm writing to you is this: I recently finished writing an
e-book directed at digital nomads that I think your readers would be
interested in (and that you can profit from as well via the affiliate
The e-book is titled "Nomad's Guide to Make Money Online" that explains
step-by-step how I make money online with free methods. The book goes into
extreme details so that anyone can replicate the methods.
I have attached a copy of my book in PDF format in its entirety. I sell it
for $37, but your copy is free. Read it if you wish; it's my gift to you.
I trust that you won’t send the file to anyone else or post it anywhere
for free.
If you think this is an e-book that would appeal to and help your readers,
I have an affiliate program through where you can earn 40% of
each sale. Once you make a sale, your 40% is automatically transferred to
your account (you can choose to receive a check or use Paypal to receive
your money) and the pdf file is automatically delivered to the customer...
similar to Clickbank, but less annoying. I deal with all the customer
service and other hassles; you don’t do anything on your end except
promote the book or post your affiliate link/banner or whatever you want
to do to try to get readers to buy it (write a review, simply recommend
it...whatever works for you.
If you would like to join the affiliate program and start promoting it to
your readers, the link is provided below. Signing up for a free Plimus
account only takes a minute.
Janet Smith”
I love how she set the disrespectful mood immediately by putting quotes around my name followed by an ever-polite "do I know you?" Classy.
Here is her response:
“> Hi "Janet"
> Do I know you?
> Just read through the thing quickly, it sounds good, but there is a lot of
> anti-blogger stuff in there.... did you know that a BIG portion of my
> audience is bloggers?
> Hmm... I'll have to think about it. I'm not sure if it's going to offend
> people or not. I mean it's good information, it's thorough, but sometimes
> the tone... Have you sold a lot of these? I'm just wondering if you'll
> be
> offending your core audience.
> Just putting that out there, let me know what you think.
> Thanks,
To which I responded:“XXXX,
No, it hasn't been sold much to social bloggers - you're right. However,
most people are social bloggers because they think that's the only way
they can make money with blogs. Not everyone, but that's the case a lot of
times. They aren't aware of the alternatives that exist. I don't think
most people get enough information available to them when it comes down to
the specifics of making a living online. It seems to be a dream that most
people have trouble accomplishing. My goal is not to sound rude or
degrading to people, but to help them make money online and travel.
Obviously it's up to you if you want to sell it, although I'd be very
honored if you did! Frankly, I'm honored that you took out time to write
back to me. :) Perhaps you can warn them upfront about the tone, and then
let them decide if they are interested in it? That way, you are being
honest to them about what it is (maintaining their trust in you) and at
the same time, it becomes an opportunity for you to make some money.
Sometimes having an alternative viewpoint can be beneficial to people, as
long as we're honest about its motives.
Janet Smith”
Her response:
“> Ok, I'll think about it. But I do think you're wrong about "social
> bloggers". In fact, it's pretty derogatory to call them that. The fact
> is,
> you're making money and adding zero value to the world. Zero. You're
> skimming off a system that ONLY WORKS because other people write real
> content. If everyone did what you're doing there would be no internet.
> So
> you should be very thankful for all the writers out there that get paid
> nothing, while you skim off the top. (Note: I'm not against it, but I do
> feel you should be more conscious of that in your writing).
> Besides, to state that bloggers who are trying to make quality content are
> wasting their time is missing the point (and money isn't the main
> motivation, to tell you the truth).
> I think you could have the same ebook, same message, just tone down the
> anti-blogger stuff way down. I'm not saying this to be a jerk, but just
> because I have this bad habit of trying to be helpful and honest to people
> who email me and then my husband shakes his head and asks, "why do you
> bother?" The answer is that I would want someone to tell me. If you want
> to branch over to the so-called "social bloggers" (that term still kills
> me), you'll have to take a look at how it would sound to someone who is
> working very hard on their blog. Their first thought will be "eff you".
> You can say there is a better way without trashing everyone else.
> Also, I understand that in your other circles this kind of thumbing your
> nose at content-creators is the exact kind of crowd pleaser you'd need.
> Maybe it's not possible to serve two masters.
> Anyway good luck. I'm glad you like my blog, even if all the comments and
> adoration don't pay anything. :P”
OK, back to the blog post:
Money isn’t the main motivation? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! May I buy her a halo for Christmas? If she'd give me her mailing address, I'd be happy to...
These social bloggers (am I being derogatory?) must think people like Grizzly, Vic, Court, and now: me…. are the devil or something. Come on! I never said I write sh!$ content on my blogs and neither have they. Actually, most of my blogs have very decent content, mind you. I don’t want to get slapped by Google, so I have standards….
Not everyone has the same strategy online and I can respect her strategy if she can respect mine. Think of it this way: If the internet were all spectacular content that gives everyone all the information they could possibly need and want for free, there would be no market for advertisers (or very little) because people would get all they need from the content. It works both ways. Obviously she has never operated a business before.
Come on, guys…. help me out here… I do provide some value to you, don’t I? I’m helping people…. helping them make money online. So is Grizzly. So is Vic. So is Court. So are many others… We’re showing you the way it’s done. Who are we hurting, honestly?
I find it amazing how some people can’t see the other side of an argument because they’re too deeply rooted in their own side. Those, in my opinion, are the people who shouldn’t be blogging. I’m not saying she needs to agree with me – she’s entitled to her own opinions. However, when you are a “blogger” who people read daily and who people respect, you have the unwritten responsibility to be mutually respectful, open-minded, and decent.
Those words were not decent. Self-righteous does not classify as an opinion – online or offline.
I wonder if she and her husband are still shaking their heads at me. Some part of me hopes they are. Nevertheless, I hope they’re careful not to make themselves dizzy when shaking their heads. Never shake your head on a full stomach is my advice.
I do wish her the best – honestly I do. But I wish she would get ahold of some better people skills. Even if she disagrees with my make money online methods, she could at least give me the same courtesy I gave her. I said nothing rude to her and all I got was wrath I didn’t deserve. She needs to be a big girl and express her opinions without throwing a tantrum. I respect that she was trying to be honest to me, but her words depicted fear in the worst, condescending way possible. What is she scared of, I wonder?
I guess the age-old make money online “battle” between bloggers and internet marketers persists…
And who says I can’t write quality content for my make money online blogs? LOL!!!! Chew on that, Google bot!
I digress…
Still making money online in Brazil with sh!$ content,