Friday, September 25, 2009

Online Money Making Guide

online money making guide, Nomad's Guide to Make Money Online, make money at home
As many of you know, I have written an online money making guide that highlights and demonstrates step-by-step "how to make money online" based on the unending gems of wisdom that Grizzly teaches effortlessly as though it's second nature to him. Perhaps it is.

This make money at home ebook is by no means as good as the true genius of Grizzly, but I genuinely feel it is a good shortcut guide that can get beginners started. The rest is common sense and trial and error; make money at home beginners will pick up the details as they go.

There are a couple issues I'd like to address in regards to this online money making guide that I wrote and that Griz is promoting. I hope this post clears up a few things.

First of all, if you are NOT a beginner at building blogs and have been reading and implementing Griz's lessons with success or if all his steps are already CLEAR to you, this online making guide is not for you. Nor is it a magic potion to make money online. It won't do jack for you unless you actually implement what is discussed in the book.

Secondly, I'd like to respond to a couple comments on Griz's blog from someone named Sam. Griz responded to it once, and I will include his response in my quotes as well:

Sam said...

"As for the "only ebook I have ever promoted", I would suggest that Janet invest in a better looking cover and a more professional looking sales page.

I know that ugly and simple gets Adsense clicks but it does not make sales of real products where people have to pull out a credit card.

I have read the book though, and it is excellent."

Grizzly said...


Not sure I agree with you. I like the fact that it isn't a hyped up one page sales letter that drones on and on. Btw - it is converting at about 2% which ain't bad given I haven't posted about it - yet. (I will be doing a review shortly)

For those in the dark this is the book in question.

Nomad's Guide to Make Money Online

It outlines the formula I use to make money online and is written by Janet Smith - a long time reader of this blog."

Sam said...

I didn't say a "hyped up" sales page but a better one - one that looks cleaner and a little more professional looking (type is too small).

Well, throw that out if you must but I guarantee a better ebook cover is needed. Ebook covers are relatively cheap and that one just doesn't cut it IMO.

Say what you will but appearances do count and they do count for beginners who have a choice of buying this ebook or another one that looks great on the outside and is crap on the inside. It is competing with all the other ebooks with great covers and newbies have to make decisions based on something and presentation is all they have to go by. That is Advertising 101.

I was given a free copy and want to promote it but I have to make decisions on what to promote and right now I just don't see people buying it with the current presentation.

All I can say that this is a truly great ebook but I would never buy it given the current sales page and book cover if I were a newbie. It is a diamond in the rough but how are people supposed to know that?"

OK, so now that everyone knows the comments I'm referring to, let me say a few things:


Sam, I am very glad you liked my online money making guide and know that it contains useful information. The methods came straight from Grizzly, so that is why they work.

I, too, am aware of professional looking e-book covers and professional, cheesy websites with lame sales letters. I have a marketing and real estate degree from one of the top business schools in the US. I know how advertising works and I know how the conformist type of deal works. I operated an IT consultant company offline for the past 2 1/2 years until my blogs' income started to sustain a living for me. I had it all: the attractive logo, the professional website... But none of that mattered in the slightest if I didn't have the skills to back it up. The 80/20 rule applied: 80% of my business came from 20% of my customers. Yes I had to attract them initially, but after that I had to go completely on my skills. I quit the business because I wanted to - even though it made no sense to anyone who knows me personally. Right now I'm getting ready to pack it up and take a long vacation in Brazil. I'm finished conforming to what the world seems to want for me. I'm ready to achieve what I want for me.

This book is intentionally tied to Grizzly because he was my inspiration and it is primarily being presented to his readers and search engine traffic. After all, on the book's promotion site, I do mention that all of the methods taught in the online money making guide can be found on Grizzly's blog for free if they're willing to dig through 3 years of blog posts and have the time to devote to doing so. This book (the website... actually it's a blog, and the cover) are intentionally simple. His readers know his ways of making money online aren't fancy, so why should the e-book be? Grizzly uses boring ugly Blogger blogs to make money online and so do I. Having an ugly e-book only seems fitting - even if people are indeed "pulling out a credit card" to buy it. At least they're paying for something that will give them a return on their money if they implement the methods.

I believe that the substance of the book will prevail because of Grizzly's promotion of it and this will overshadow anything that I could do to make it seem more appealing to noobs who are looking for that golden ticket to becoming rich.

Rather than using a fancy e-book cover and attractive website as a way to compete with other e-books, I'm utilizing Grizzly's leverage. Grizzly is how I am initially attracting buyers for the e-book - not with an e-book cover. Pretty can only carry the weight temporarily; substance carries one through life permanently. I truly believe that "pretty" completely contradicts what Grizzly stands for and teaches in regards to making money online.

Eventually, word will get out that the book really does help people make money online and I'd rather have the people who heard about it through a genuine referral buy it - not the superficial yo-yo dieter type who rides the Yaro Starak "affiliate program of the month" wave. In fact, I'd prefer that people like that don't buy the book because those are the types who wouldn't be willing to do actual work to make money online. It would be a waste of their money to buy an online money making guide and just let it sit there needlessly on their hard drive taking up space.

Also, as I said in the online money making guide, the e-book is simply a new type of project I decided to take on. I saw a hole in the MMO niche and decided to give it a shot. I did not write it as a noob trying to make my primary income from it with no other sources of income. I make my money from niche blogs (niches unrelated to making money online, I might add). I practice what I preach.

And like Costa said in his Nomad's Guide to Make Money Online review you can skip the boring ass first chapter if you'd like.

If the book bombs from looking unprofessional and unattractive as you seem to think it will, I can go away from this with a clear conscience knowing two things:

1. I gave out real information that really does speak the truth to beginners about making money online.
2. My niche blogs still make money for me - and they always will. And I will continue making more and more of them.


I have a plane to catch in the morning, so I'd better get packing.



  1. Wow you mean an ebook that may actually have satisfied customers - thats a bit of a new thing for the MMO industry isn't it LOL

    I don't think people like Sam really understand that marketing rules are made for people who think marketing is important. For those of us who don't a long sales letter is 9/10 a huge turn off. I know a few products were the long sales letter actually tells people what they need to know to make a buying decision - in which case most people don't seem to read it.

    For a market who doesn't really know WHY they should buy the book - need to take the leap of faith - then I think you sales letter is perfect.

    Have a great time in Brazil - I've only been to Iguazu - but Rio is on my list!

  2. Hi,

    It is good to see so many people taking initiative and giving us a good information on online money making guide. Thanks a lot for sharing it.

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  3. @ DaleSteyn -

    Nice keyword anchor text! I like it! ;)

